Learning/Teaching Units – Baptist Church History https://baptistchurchhistory.com Teaching the history of the New Testament Churches as well as their doctrine. Tue, 08 Dec 2020 19:37:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 185848610 Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives New England Baptists 1638-1776 AD – Old Landmarkers Warren Assoc. Excludes Open Communion Churches PART TEN https://baptistchurchhistory.com/baptist-history-heritage-and-distinctives-new-england-baptists-1638-1776-ad-old-landmarkers-warren-assoc-excludes-open-communion-churches-part-ten/ https://baptistchurchhistory.com/baptist-history-heritage-and-distinctives-new-england-baptists-1638-1776-ad-old-landmarkers-warren-assoc-excludes-open-communion-churches-part-ten/#respond Thu, 03 Dec 2020 23:29:30 +0000 http://baptistchurchhistory.com/?p=277 Pastor Tom  Admin December 3, 2020

December 3, 2020
Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives
New England Baptists 1638-1776 AD – Old Landmarkers
Warren Assoc. Excludes Open Communion Churches

The Warren Association, which last year voted to exclude the church in Newport, Rhode Island, for its open communion practices, or failure to discipline its pastor and those members who practiced this disorder, is the oldest Association in New England.

It was organized in 1767. Three years after, such were the intolerable oppressions of the “standing order,” in selling out their lands and homes to pay the tax to support the hireling ministers of the Puritans, that the Association resolved to appeal at once to the King and Council, and appointed a committee to collect grievances.

That committee of leading ministers published the following in the Boston Post, August 20th, 1770, and I publish it— 1, because it will give the Baptists of this age some idea of what our fathers suffered at the hands of those whom we are now taught to call “evangelical brethren, “and “evangelical churches, “and “evangelical ministers,” and what we would suffer today had our old persecutors only the power; and, 2, how our brethren regarded them, not as “Christian brethren” certainly—which they were not — but enemies and persecutors.
(tomorrow –more Puritan laws demand Baptist pay taxes or your land is seized)

Presented by Thomas E. Kresal from excerpts: Graves, James R.. Old Landmarkism: What is it? . First Vision Publishers. Kindle Edition. Chapter 15


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https://baptistchurchhistory.com/baptist-history-heritage-and-distinctives-new-england-baptists-1638-1776-ad-old-landmarkers-warren-assoc-excludes-open-communion-churches-part-ten/feed/ 0 277
“Old Landmarkism, what is it? by JR Graves – Learning/Teaching Unit! https://baptistchurchhistory.com/273/ https://baptistchurchhistory.com/273/#respond Wed, 02 Dec 2020 19:32:04 +0000 http://baptistchurchhistory.com/?p=273 “Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves.  UNIT 36 · Optional  Baptist Church History | Facebook

Fall Bible Course Offering Beginning Nov 7, a new Bible Course will be offered studying the topic of “Old Landmarkism, What Is It”. The book for the course will be, “Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves. If you would like to be included in the course, please email me at mike6154488802@gmail.com and I will add you to the email list. The cost of the course is $0. I only ask that you pray for me as I develop the material that it will be what God would have for it to be that He would be glorified by the effort and that all who are involved in the study might be better servants of the Lord having completed it. May God Bless, Michael Brawner, Pastor Landmark Missionary Baptist Church Honey Grove, TX

Baptist Church History | Facebook

https://baptistchurchhistory.com/273/feed/ 0 273
Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives New England Baptists 1638-1776 AD – Old Landmarkers Protestants Recognized as Societies Not Churches PART NINE https://baptistchurchhistory.com/baptist-history-heritage-and-distinctives-new-england-baptists-1638-1776-ad-old-landmarkers-protestants-recognized-as-societies-not-churches-part-nine/ https://baptistchurchhistory.com/baptist-history-heritage-and-distinctives-new-england-baptists-1638-1776-ad-old-landmarkers-protestants-recognized-as-societies-not-churches-part-nine/#respond Wed, 02 Dec 2020 19:08:25 +0000 http://baptistchurchhistory.com/?p=270

Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives
New England Baptists 1638-1776 AD – Old Landmarkers
Protestants Recognized as Societies Not Churches

If there can be any doubt in the mind of anyone how the “fathers” of New England Baptists regarded the Puritan Pedobaptists of their day (1770), I copy this from Backus. These Puritans declared to the Court that—

“Some [Baptists] have had the affrontery to say that the standing ministry [Congregationalists] is corrupt; ministers themselves unconverted; the churches impure and unholy, admitting unconverted and unsanctified persons into their communion” (Vol. 2, p. 158).

Can anyone believe that Baptists would believe this, which they most undoubtedly did, and then, before the world, by affiliating acts recognize these unconverted ministers, and these impure and unholy sects as scriptural churches, and in every way equal to their own? They certainly did not do it. And are not these charges as true today with respect to all Pedobaptist societies as they were then? And if we walk in the “paths our fathers trod,” what ought to be our testimony?
(tomorrow – Puritan laws demand Baptist pay taxes to support their church)

Presented by Thomas E. Kresal from excerpts: Graves, James R.. Old Landmarkism: What is it? . First Vision Publishers. Kindle Edition. Chapter 15

Presented by Thomas E. Kresal from excerpts: Graves, James R.. Old Landmarkism: What is it? . First Vision Publishers. Kindle Edition. Chapter 15

https://baptistchurchhistory.com/baptist-history-heritage-and-distinctives-new-england-baptists-1638-1776-ad-old-landmarkers-protestants-recognized-as-societies-not-churches-part-nine/feed/ 0 270
What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History? – 11/12/20 https://baptistchurchhistory.com/what-are-the-teachings-of-ecclesiastical-history-11-12-20/ https://baptistchurchhistory.com/what-are-the-teachings-of-ecclesiastical-history-11-12-20/#respond Tue, 24 Nov 2020 23:59:20 +0000 http://baptistchurchhistory.com/?p=181 (1) Baptist Church History | Facebook

What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History? – 11/12/20
Presented by Thomas E. Kresal from excerpts: Graves, James R.. Old Landmarkism: What is it? . First Vision Publishers. Kindle Edition. FREE BIBLE COURSE! “Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves. Fall Bible Course Offering Beginning Nov 7, a new Bible Course will be offered studying the topic of “Old Landmarkism, What Is It”. The book for the course will be, “Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves. If you would like to be included in the course, please email me at mike6154488802@gmail.com and I will add you to the email list. The cost of the course is $0. I only ask that you pray for me as I develop the material that it will be what God would have for it to be that He would be glorified by the effort and that all who are involved in the study might be better servants of the Lord having completed it. May God Bless, Michael Brawner, Pastor Landmark Missionary Baptist Church Honey Grove, TX


https://baptistchurchhistory.com/what-are-the-teachings-of-ecclesiastical-history-11-12-20/feed/ 0 181
“Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves 11/7/20 https://baptistchurchhistory.com/old-landmarkism-what-is-it-by-jr-graves-11-7-20/ https://baptistchurchhistory.com/old-landmarkism-what-is-it-by-jr-graves-11-7-20/#respond Tue, 24 Nov 2020 18:22:17 +0000 http://baptistchurchhistory.com/?p=167 “Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves 11/7/20    Baptist Church History |  
“Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves.
Fall Bible Course Offering Beginning Nov 7, a new Bible Course will be offered studying the topic of “Old Landmarkism, What Is It”. The book for the course will be, “Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves. If you would like to be included in the course, please email me at mike6154488802@gmail.com and I will add you to the email list. The cost of the course is $0. I only ask that you pray for me as I develop the material that it will be what God would have for it to be that He would be glorified by the effort and that all who are involved in the study might be better servants of the Lord having completed it. May God Bless, Michael Brawner, Pastor Landmark Missionary Baptist Church Honey Grove, TX
https://baptistchurchhistory.com/old-landmarkism-what-is-it-by-jr-graves-11-7-20/feed/ 0 167