Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives George F. Adams, D. D. – Early Maryland Baptist Minister PART TWO of TWO

January 7, 2021

Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives
George F. Adams, D. D. – Early Maryland Baptist Minister

From 1830 to 1835, he was principal of a ladies’ academy in Falmouth, Va., and assistant pastor with Rev. R. P. Semple of a Church in Fredericksburg. In 1836, he came to Baltimore, served the Board and various Churches as herein recorded, until the Civil War, when he went back to Virginia; but soon returned again, and from 1863 to 1865 labored as missionary here. In 1865, he took charge of a female school in Onancock, from which he was called in 1867 to the Baptist Church at Hampton, where he built up the cause for nine years. In 1876, failing in health, he returned to Baltimore, where he died, April 16, 1877. Every suitable respect was paid to his memory by the Baptists of this city, and his remains were placed in Baltimore Cemetery, beneath a marble erected by them.

He was twice married and left a widow and several children. We are indebted to one of his sons, Dr. Charles S. Adams, for the privilege of copying a photograph likeness taken in 1850, when his father was in his prime. The engraving is accurate and will recall his familiar features to those who remember him at that period.

Presented by Thomas E. Kresal from: History of Baptist Churches in Maryland Connected with the Maryland Baptist Union Association, 1885, pp. 217-218

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