Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives Deacon James H. Hooker – Blameless, Humble, Loving

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January 2, 2021

Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives
Deacon James H. Hooker – Blameless, Humble, Loving

Born in Savannah, Ga., January 30th, 1835, Deacon James H. Hooker was baptized into the fellowship of the First African Baptist Church January 2, 1862, by Rev. W.J. Campbell. He was elected deacon of the church November 25th, 1877. He was the same day elected treasurer of the church. He was elected trustee of the church December 16th, 1877.

As a deacon Mr. Hooker was blameless, humble, loving and very kind. He reverenced the church of Christ. He had a good report by them that are without. The members had unbounded confidence in him. No man in Savannah stood higher than Deacon Hooker. He was a man of few words, but of a princely, large heart. He was with the majority during the church trouble. During this time he was elected to offices already mentioned.

He came as near as frail man can meeting Paul’s requirements of a deacon. As a treasurer, he is pure, and not even a whisper of his ever having done wrong with the money of the church. Every cent was accounted for to the fullest satisfaction of the church. Because of a severe attack of pneumonia and nervous prostration, the doctors declared him unfit for any responsible office; so he resigned to the regret of the Church.

As a trustee, he was honest, wise and faithful. The interest of the church could not suffer in his hands. He believed that God ordained that he should fill these offices, and hence he filled them as in the sight of God. If all of our officers in all the churches were to feel this way our churches would be a power in the world.

He was ordained as deacon on December 6th, 1885, by Rev’s. E. K. Love, U. L. Houston, and S. A. McNeal. Deacon Hooker, while still alive, exerted a powerful influence for good. He was a man of means and ruled well his own house.

Dr. Dale R. Hart, from: “History of the First African Baptist Church: pgs. 178 – 179”

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