“Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves 11/7/20

“Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves 11/7/20    Baptist Church History |   “Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves. Fall Bible Course Offering Beginning Nov 7, a new Bible Course will be offered studying the topic of “Old Landmarkism, What Is It”. The book for the course will be, “Old Landmarkism, what […]

Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives New England Baptists 1638-1776 AD – Old Landmarkers Puritans Establish a State Government Church in America PART ONE

Pastor Tom  Admin  November 24, 2020 Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives New England Baptists 1638-1776 AD – Old Landmarkers Puritans Establish a State Government Church in America PART ONE How the “Fathers” of New England Baptists, regarded Pedobaptist societies and their ministers, from A.D.1638 until 1776—not as churches or brethren, but enemies and persecutors. “Thus […]

Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History True New Testament Churches Don’t Share Pulpit with Protestants PART TWELVE of TWELVE

Thomas E Kresal    November 23, 2020 Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History True New Testament Churches Don’t Share Pulpit with Protestants PART TWELVE of TWELVE Reader, with whom do you stand and which of these two classes of Baptists do you think occupies the ground held by our […]

Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History Never Succumb to the Demands of Protestant/Catholic Society PART ELEVEN

Pastor Tom   November 22, 2020 Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History Never Succumb to the Demands of Protestant/Catholic Society PART ELEVEN We quote but a paragraph from a work on “Exclusivism,” written by Albert Barnes, the great Presbyterian, and author of Barnes’ Notes, which so many Baptists delight in: […]

Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History They Sought to Exterminate Baptists and Now Insist We Accept their Societies PART TEN

Thomas E Kresal November 21, 2020 Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History They Sought to Exterminate Baptists and Now Insist We Accept their Societies PART TEN The Methodist church, through Mr. Wesley, says, “By baptism, we who are by nature the children of wrath, are made the children of […]

Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History Catholic/Protestant Unscriptural Baptisms PART NINE

https://mewe.com/group/5faed70144f8fa0ea2698be0 Pastor Tom Admin 8 hours ago November 20, 2020 Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History Catholic/Protestant Unscriptural Baptisms PART NINE “Christ never had an enemy like this; so able to pervert the way of truth into falsehood, insomuch that the true church, with her children, is trodden under […]