Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History Never Succumb to the Demands of Protestant/Catholic Society PART ELEVEN

Baptist History, Heritage and Distinctives
What are the Teachings of Ecclesiastical History
Never Succumb to the Demands of Protestant/Catholic Society

We quote but a paragraph from a work on “Exclusivism,” written by Albert Barnes, the great Presbyterian, and author of Barnes’ Notes, which so many Baptists delight in:

“We claim and demand of the Baptists that they shall not merely recognize the ministry of other denominations, but their membership also—[i.e., infants, seekers, sinners and all]; that while, if they prefer it, they may continue the practice of immersion in baptism, as a part of their Christian liberty, they shall concede the same liberty to others—[i.e., to practice adult and infant sprinkling and pouring for baptism]; and while they expect that their acts of baptism shall be recognized by others as valid, they shall not offer an affront to the Christian world by rebaptizing all who enter their communion, or by excluding from their communion all who have not been subjected to the rite of immersion. And we claim and demand of the Baptist Churches that they shall recognize the members of other churches [every sect in Christendom that claims to be a church] as members of the church of Christ. We do not ask this as a boon, we claim it as a right” (pp. 66, 67).

Can any Baptist read this, and doubt for one moment that Bro. Barnes, and all Presbyterians who indorse him, would, by imprisonment, fines, and flames, attempt to compel us to recognize their societies and human traditions, as Calvin and Luther, Zwingle and Knox, did in the sixteenth centuries and their ancestors—the Catholics—did for twelve hundred years before?

In order to propitiate the opposition of the Protestants of today, and to become popular with them and the world they influence, our affiliating brethren are endeavoring, “by kind and complimentary words, deceiving the hearts of the unsuspecting” (Rom. 16:18), and to influence them to grant this claim, and yield this arrogant and intolerant “demand “of Bro. Barnes, who speaks for all the sects of the age, and for the Evangelical Alliance. Brethren, will you—can you yield it?

Liberal Anti-Landmark Baptists say you ought, and must, or they will make friends with your foes to persecute you. “Old Landmark Baptists” say the claim is preposterous, and the demand opposed, both to the teachings of the Scriptures and spirit of Christianity – is the very spirit of Antichrist, and we will resist-it unto blood if it is necessary.

Presented by Thomas E. Kresal from excerpts: Graves, James R.. Old Landmarkism: What is it? . First Vision Publishers. Kindle Edition.

FREE BIBLE COURSE! “Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves.
Fall Bible Course Offering Beginning Nov 7, a new Bible Course will be offered studying the topic of “Old Landmarkism, What Is It”. The book for the course will be, “Old Landmarkism, what is it?” by JR Graves. If you would like to be included in the course, please email me at and I will add you to the email list. The cost of the course is $0. I only ask that you pray for me as I develop the material that it will be what God would have for it to be that He would be glorified by the effort and that all who are involved in the study might be better servants of the Lord having completed it. May God Bless, Michael Brawner, Pastor Landmark Missionary Baptist Church Honey Grove, TX

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